Set a timer countdown to remind you to take a break every time it goes off.


5 Minute Break allows you to set a timer countdown which will invite you to take a 5-minute break every time it goes off.

You can select a lapse time from a list of values ranging from 5 minutes to 4 hours. In addition, you can customize the alarm message that will remind you to take a break, as well as the alarm sound.

The program does not include any main window or configuration panel. Instead, it simply installs an icon in your system tray area. You can click on this icon to start or stop the alarm countdown, and right-click on it to display the context menu, which, in turn, you can use to set the default timer and alarm sound, toggle the language of the program between English and Polish, and start a customized timer countdown.

When the timer goes off, the program displays a full-screen webpage showing the reminder message and the 5-minute countdown. After the 5 minutes, the message and countdown change, this time to encourage you to return to your work. You can go to the program's folder and edit the corresponding HTML file (either the English or the Polish version) to customize the alarm message. You can also change a JavaScript variable to set the break time to be different from 5 minutes. Finally, in the context menu, you can also configure the program to run automatically at Windows start-up.

In conclusion, 5 Minute Break allows you to focus on your work and, at the same time, to be reminded of when you need to take a short break, all without being aware of the clock.


  • Allows you to select the time lapse from values ranging from 5 minutes to 4 hours
  • Allows you to customize the alarm message and sound
  • Can be set to run automatically at Windows start-up


  • Does not include any main window or configuration panel
  • You need to edit an HTML file to customize the alarm message and the break duration
This program received 2 awards
Czarek Tomczak
License type:
Open source
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